Monday, 25 January 2021

DVI Resources

GESTALT priniciples

Visual Perception

Additive to play with colors

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Limits - Race between two variables while some explode and while some vanish.

Limits - Race between two variables while some explode and while some vanish.

Limit is like log and modulo, an algebraic construct. 

Discontinuity has a major impact over limits. For a Limit to exists, the function or variable should be rotating or keep moving. Two Discontinuity exists - 1. Infinite Discontinuity (Asymptotes), 2. Definite Discontinuity - Floor/Ceil function, Manual - IN reality, functions are discontinuous at various points or not defined.

Derivative can be defined only with Limit reducing the difference / gap, to get a particular value of a function. It is a special kind of math with properties.


Saturday, 2 January 2021

Data Structures in Python without any special class

Unlike many languages, data structures in python makes use of the no special class rather uses simple syntax to represent them directly.

 Below table gives a very much required summary of frequently used data structures.



Some Most Useful functions in python for anyone who is getting started

For any language learner who is getting started, learning ways to unblock oneself becomes one of the most important part to keep self encouraging.

type of any variable

>>> st="Narendran"
>>> type(st)
<class 'str'>
>>> num = 123
>>> type(num
... )
<class 'int'>

help with type


dir with any variable


Skill, Knowledge and Talent

I kept overwhelming with data, information, knowledge and wisdom over a period of time. And I really wanted to lean towards skilling on few ...